Sunday, May 16, 2010

That's one lucky pulpit.

Rhetoric that is regurgitated to the point of diarrhea of the mouth. Liquid lies to fill the minds of the American drones, obediently picking their side, obsequious gestures to deceit. Empty words, lifeless phrases, non-committal promises, we drink it up. A deluge of devastating unknowns, wearing a sleek tie, camera-flash face paint, unerring smiles, and we cheer for more; more drama, more reality, more of anything consumable, compartmentalized, tied with a nice bow to deceive future generations. Hats off to those who have damned us all, good luck to those who dug the ruts of which we will never see the end, congratulations to all who we should be able to trust but are consistent in their failure to deliver truth; one more falsity can't hurt, one more for the books. Keep them coming. We receive death united but shun life to be in constant conflict with our friends. Sowing discord in color and surround sound, a war already won. We pay for the commercials then buy the product, SEND MORE MONEY the world can't survive without it. Slavery never ended, just became popularized and legal within the government. With every vote cast, we engorge the obese, strip the naked, pummel the righteous. You got my money in life and fill your coffers with the same in death.

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